12 Tips You Should Be Using for Your Headshots

If acting is your passion and you are looking to get into entertainment, ETI has tips on what it takes to have a great headshot.

A headshot is a photo that realistically demonstrates a person’s appearance for casting. Many headshots are used for actors, models, and even authors.

It is the first step to getting an audition. Casting directors immediately determine whether or not you are able to fill audition a role based upon your headshot.

To help you figure out if you are on the right track  here are 12 things that make a good headshot.

12 Tips to a Great Headshot!

  1. Your headshot should look like you, don’t try to hide things that you find undesirable, you may have something that people want.
  2. Headshots should be updated every 5 years minimum or after a major physical change (weight loss/ gain, hair changes, etc)
  3. Your headshot needs to capture attention and tell us something about you. Make sure you consider what qualities you are looking to show off.
  4. Look natural, these are not a fashion shoot.
  5. Keep it simple.
  6. Your headshot should be geared towards the kind of work you want to get Film/ theatre/ commercial/ industrial.
  7. No logos or slogans
  8. Nothing garish
  9. No black, white, or noisy patterns
  10. Relax
  11. Always 8X10 prints
  12. Color is the current acceptable, professional standard


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