Searching for a new church home? ETI has a few things you need to consider

*You’ve probably sifted through a couple of new church homes by now and may think none of them really worked for you. You didn’t feel all that excited to get up and get dressed for church. You may even have pledged membership to your Bedside Baptists on some Sundays and called it a day.

However, something tugs at your spirit to find that ideal, new church home. Here’s what you need to look for:

1. Some Clarity in Beliefs

Would you say that your new church home’s principles and missions are clear? If not, then you need to check their website for a clear statement of belief, weekly programs, church bulletin boards, and the likes. All of these should line up as the evidence for your church’s culture.

2. An Integrity of Leadership

Do the teachings of your new church align with the accurate interpretations of the Scripture? If you think that your Pastor doesn’t consult the Holy Bible and has no guardrails for his teachings and preaching, then this could actually be dangerous. What you need to look for are God’s inspired words.

3. Freedom

Do you think the members of your church exercise their right to grow at their own pace while they walk along with God? A church that encourages creativity, individuality, and exportation of God’s calling and gifts are what you need.

4. A Culture of Service

Do you see a ministry within the church for members who need assistance? Well, the first church directed by Jesus believed in caring for each other and the greater community. Selfishness, infighting, and jealousy should be rampant in your new church.

5. A Welcoming Spirit

Do you find leaders and members welcoming you into this place of worship? Do they seem happy with your presence?  This particular consideration should be a no-brainer as leaders and members at your new church should be welcoming for the sake of God.

6. Growth

Do you see the church growing? Or do they at least aspire to grow? If you see that the church had been founded in 1999 and there are only 20 members in 2019, then this is a definite red flag. People should be seen growing, exercising, learning, creating, and growing in any way possible.

Make your spiritual journey beautiful. Find a new church home that suits all of the above.

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